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how our board functions and who is making the decisions

Financial Planning

We believe in complete transparency, that is why we are happy to make financials available to you at any point.


Fiscal Period

Our fiscal year was established from the initial registration of the BIA on September 1st, and until 2024, it had not been adjusted to align with the typical calendar year. This meant that our previous fiscal year ran from September 1st to August 31st, and funding was always depicted as being four months ahead of the fiscal year.


*In 2023, upon receiving approval to align our fiscal year with the calendar year, the fiscal period concluded on August 31st. This necessitated closing out the four-month period from September to December 2023, which we've designated as 2023-B, to meet the new annual requirements. Consequently, we have now commenced our new fiscal year on January 1st, 2024 which will end December 31st, 2024.

Our financials will now reflect as singular year as opposed to a span from 2024 moving onward.


Accounts Payable/Receivable

Please contact:



Grant-In-Aid Requests

Small grants for organizations with big dreams; available to local organizations for community initiatives and events.

*Please note grant applications must be received in our budgeting process for consideration before July 1st of each year to allow ample time for the board to identify funds with the next years fiscal and discuss as required unless noted. This is a required for all re-occurring annual grants.


Financial Statements

Please note we have change our fiscal to match the calendar year now, therefore the 2023-2023B closes the few months between the change in fiscal to calendar fiscal. 



  • For a copy of past or working budgets please feel free to contact us as we are happy to provide this at any point.




Chemainus Business Improvement Assoc.

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PO BOX #83 Chemainus
Vancouver Island, BC, V0R1K0

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© 2024 Chemainus Business Improvement Association 

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