We had a fantastic meeting with our designated contact at the Municipality to seek direction and assistance on several projects on our radar. Although BIAs are often not associated with advocacy, economic development, or broader issues such as garbage concerns, we strive to go above and beyond to help our community. If we weren’t advocating, we wouldn’t have a voice.
During our almost two-hour meeting, we expanded on a variety of important topics, including:
RV Parking and Trailers: Currently, eight RVs remain parked long-term, leading to challenges with bylaw enforcement regarding moving vehicles to avoid tickets. There are also growing concerns about public urination and the lack of access to washrooms after hours.
Parking Time Limits: Summer travelers from Thetis Island have taken up business parking spaces along Croft and in Old Town for weeks, and we expressed disappointment over the lack of progress since our last meeting regarding promised action items.
Tourism Draw: We discussed the potential for a waterpark off Kin Beach, which was met with enthusiasm and support for further exploration.
Street Lights: We noted the absence of street lights along the last half of Willow at Victoria, highlighting a safety concern.
Liability Insurance: The $5 million liability insurance requirement poses financial challenges for small events in the area.
Placemaking: We proposed creating picnic areas with tables and chairs across from the Three Chiefs.
Beach Swimmable: We confirmed that the water quality is acceptable for swimming.
Follow-up on May Meeting Outcomes: We reviewed the outcomes and next steps from our audit meeting held in May.
Hanging Basket Program Grant Funding: We inquired about the Municipality's interest in supporting our summer flowers hanging basket program.
Signage for Best Western: We discussed petitioning the MTO for permanent signage on the Ridge facing the highway.
Chemainus Revitalization Plans: We sought updates on the status of revitalization plans for Chemainus.
Garbage Receptacle Sizes: We addressed the need for updated garbage receptacles as per our last few discussions on concerns about these overflowing etc.
Signage Update: We are awaiting feedback from Engineering regarding walking business signs and the current wayfinding signs.
Building Update on Willow Street: We requested an update on the construction and discussed the possibility of removing the derelict house before approving new plans.
Banner Program Details: We covered the banner program and its current space constraints.
We also covered toppisas they relate to TCS, Economic Development Cowichan and the CVRD. We had a broad ranging and in-depth converstaion about many other items over and above what is outlines above.
Overall, the meeting was productive and highlighted our commitment to addressing these critical issues for our community.