On February 28, 2019 we sent a letter to the Municipality of North Cowichan to express our concern with the lack of snow removal on Willow Street during our recent snow storm.
Dear Ted Swabey, CAO, Municipality of North Cowichan,
We would like to express our concern with the lack of snow removal on Willow St. in Chemainus during the recent snow storm on February 10-13, 2019. We appreciate that this was an extremely unusual event, that the snowfall was continual, and North Cowichan is a large geographical area to cover with plows. Understandably, it is policy to clear the major roadways first and then move on to the secondary streets and side streets. We are also aware of the efforts that Ernie Mansueti took to address the situation.
Willow St. is a significant thoroughfare through Chemainus, the core of the community, and includes essential businesses: pharmacy, banks, post office and grocery. Willow St. was not plowed at all during the numerous days of snowfall, until the early morning of Thursday, February 14. Not only were the businesses on Willow St. significantly affected by the lack of snow removal, but residents were also greatly impacted. For example, many people could not get to the pharmacy to fill prescriptions. Residents were simply unable to safely reach these essential businesses.
For these important reasons, we request that you increase the priority of Willow St. in Chemainus during future snow fall events. We also request to be sent the updated snow policy and priority map when it is available, as our stakeholders have requested to view it.
Thank you for your consideration.
Chris Istace
President, Chemainus BIA