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Love your town? Support local businesses!

CBIA’s Your Town campaign encourages residents to shop in Chemainus and use local services.

Support the vitality, growth and sustainability of your town by shopping at local businesses and using local services. With the Chemainus Business Improvement Association’s (CBIA) Your Town campaign, we’ll let you know about the exciting variety of businesses in town, so you can support the local economy.

“It’s important to support businesses in Chemainus as much as you can,” says Chris Istace, president of the CBIA. “And with the abundance of businesses, services and goods available here, it’s so easy. Spending money locally helps our businesses be sustainable, profitable and ultimately supports a thriving Chemainus economy.”

Help Chemainus thrive

The Your Town campaign launches this week. We’ll have an integrative multi-media approach to introduce local businesses and services. This eight-week campaign includes website and newspaper ads, posters, blog posts, and social media content.

Each week we’ll highlight a category: – food, – health, – style, – maintenance, – gifts/art, – expertise, – life basics and – visitors.

Celebrate our town

The campaign explains how supporting community economic development helps our town. What’s your shopping routine? Do you buy local? By showcasing the wealth of selection in Chemainus, we’ll help our local economy thrive.

Chemainus is a wonderful place to live, so let’s celebrate all the reasons we choose to call this incredible town our home!

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