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Chemainus Virtual Town - A new way of doing business

COMING SOON - As the landscape of shopping and business interaction has changed so drastically overnight, we are also needing to adapt. The highly focused tourism based website, will be refocused to mimic the page which will become a digital styled town. The hope is that we can show that we can showcase Chemainus businesses virtually, moving businesses online so that shoppers and service seekers can reference and quickly interact with the businesses which are open (physically or digitally) in a digital way. The web-goer is going to be able to easily see who is open and what they are offering. If the business has a digital or online presence they will be referred directly to that organization's website or if no website exists, businesses will be able to showcase 10 products on our page with a call being the main call to action. Last but not least, visitors will also be prompted to leave positive reviews and comments on social platforms and encourage other non financial but still beneficial interaction. We will work with each business that is available to get vital information about their needs at this time and how we can help support. Please expect an email launch pad with details as this will launch over the next week and we will be calling you directly. If you are not open but want to be digitally, please email us with your current contact phone number. We know that even after the pandemic is over, our local community will have changed. People will be more used to doing things online, relationships and social interaction will be a pinnacle, and we will see a massive shift in tourism which will shift to become more local in the oncoming year. Because of this we are positioning this virtual town to start that change.

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